Web Platform — NFT Fever

Project Description

NFTFever.io is a free NFT course for beginners who want to get into the world of NFTs and Cryptocurrency.

It is an hour-long Crash Course that will teach you about:

  • NFTs

  • Crypto Wallets

  • Blockchains

  • Gas Fees

  • Marketplaces

  • Avoiding Scams and many more.

Tech Stack

Story / Experience

Dec 2021 - Feb 2022, the UK - Remote Work

After the success of the MillionDollarVault project, NexoVerse (previously known as NexoGames) wanted to work on a new project focused on teaching and incentivizing new people into getting into the world of NFTs and Crypto. Here I worked and led the existing team of MDV to NFTFever.

As a backend developer, I worked on the web application for beginners offering NFT courses. Led the frontend team in completing tasks on time, optimizing production code, and resolving bugs prior to the launch date. I coordinated two junior developers to implement leaderboard features. Utilized firebase and React.js to implement custom signup, login, and password reset functionality.




Signup / Login

We locked all the content but one for people to see what this course is really about and what it offers. Implemented a custom login / signup feature which allowed people to:

  • Access the courses in its entirety.

  • Access the Leaderboard.

  • Get a referral link for sharing.



As a marketing effort the MillionDollarVault mint, we also offered a unique referral link to each and every users which, upon any signup, would launch them into the leaderboard ranking, fighting to win the top 3 positions. Winners received mint spots for the NFT drop.

From a technical perspective, leaderboard was a great idea and it also presented a new challenge in the authentication and verification aspect. Because we had to generate unique links, verify a successful referral status — which meant we had to modify existing firebase methodologies and implement our own methods within the authentication module.


DApp and Smart Contract – Million Dollar Vault


DApp & Smart Contract - Research Funding Club NFT